Dec 31 - New Year's Eve -
St. Mary's / Visitation Hall, New Salem -

Here was the party to end all parties for 2004. We had good food from the St. Mary's / Visitation cooking staff. We had beautiful table decorations. We had bottomless beer pitchers, wine, and champagne. Huge dance floor for cutting loose. 50/50 Drawings and prizes. Lots of Tricks fans from way back, and some new ones too. Couples, singles; young, and old. With TRICKS in charge of musical entertainment.

News from TRICKS - December 2004
December 17 & 18 -
Ye Olde Woodshed, Weekend 2 of 2 in Douglas

Tricks got together with a wild bunch for our final bar gig of the year. What can I say that hasn't been said before? These people really love to party in Douglas. Tricks had great final fling for 2004, thanks to all our faithful party friends. You know who you are! We'll see some of you at the New Year's party, the rest of you we'll see you all next year in 2005.

December 10 & 11 -
Ye Olde Woodshed, Weekend 1 of 2 in Douglas

Tricks returns for two weekends in Douglas at the Woodshed. The people at the Woodshed are great people - lots of warm hospitality. And, as an added bonus, they really like their rock and roll party time with the Tricks band. Thanks goes out to the regulars who braved the cold weather to drink and dance with Tricks! As for our new friends - "Thanks for being there!" and "Nice to meet you all!".

December 3 & 4 -
Wayland Hotel - Weekend #3 of 3

Our last Tricks weekend at the Wayland Hotel for 2004 - it was a big old-fashioned balls-to-the-wall bash. Friday was okay, but let me tell you about Saturday night's wild noisy crowd. Better yet, see for yourself. We have lots of fun pictures, mostly from Saturday. Thanks to Mary Kay and her girls for providing such a great atmosphere. We really appreciate the staff, the crowd, the warm cozy room, the good food, the wet drinks, the big dance floor. We'll see you next year, 2005, when we get out of the basement in March.

News from TRICKS - November 2004
November 26 & 27 -
Wayland Hotel - Weekend #2 of 3

Friday and Saturday's weather was dreary, wet, and cold. But that didn't stop everyone from jam-packing the Wayland Hotel and having a fantastic fun time, hanging and banging with Tricks. Lots of people come early for dinner (great food at good prices), and then they stick around for cocktails and dancing. Drummer Steve got a birthday cake on Saturday night. Saturday gets ranked as one of the most fun nights of Tricks 2004.
Hot crowd and Hot band!

November 19 & 20 -
Wayland Hotel - Weekend #1 of 3

The Wayland Hotel knows how to pack the crowds in. It's the place for all your partyin' needs! Good food, great big dance floor, a good sounding room, friendly staff, ... did I mention the good food and great prices? Tricks tries their best to keep up with the rock and roll crowd.
Great weekend party fun at the Wayland Hotel Bar and Grill.

November 6 -
Dorr American Legion Harvest Fest

The 6th annual American Legion party was a great way to spend a special Saturday night. There was a great pig-roast dinner, club-priced drinks, dancing with Tricks, mingling with friends - Great hometown blast with a fantastic bunch of party people. Everyone was saying "the band is so tight". Cool! Thanks to everyone for helping out the Legion by partying with Tricks. Hope our New Years Eve party is half this fun.

News from TRICKS - October 2004
October 31 -
Halloween at Stan's Tavern in Dorr - Final weekend of 3

It all seemed so appropriate, in a wild kind of way. The crowd absolutely kicked butt for Tricks' last night at Stan's. We like to call this strange phenomenon "Saturday Night Blow-Out": that means no holding back, no saving your strength, just an outpouring of energy with no brakes. But, even better, we had a whole lotta Halloween hijinx going on. Our special thanks to Tom Behrend for the giant spider over the drums. You can almost see the black spider against the black ceiling in a couple pictures.

October 23, 2004 -
Stan's Tavern in Dorr - Weekend #2 of 3

Stan's kicks ass. Even when Tricks is HOT, the crowd at Stan's is HOTTER.
We especially want to recognize our new friends and fans. Don't worry, we still love you old fans and friends. What's not to love? Next Saturday is the Halloween Party and we're going to all get GHOULED UP. Tricks' Halloween theme is "Dead Zombies". Bring your own theme if you like. There will be some contests and prizes, but most of all we're gonna have fun, fun, fun (You know, like this weekend, or better).

October 16, 2004 -
Stan's Tavern in Dorr - Weekend #1 of 3

Stan's is always fun. The sound is good at Stan's. The crowd is always interesting, whether large or small. Tricks found some new friends this weekend. Hope y'all come back now, hear? We want to put out an extra special alert for Halloween Freaks to show up on October 30 for our little Halloween Party at Stan's. We're going to dress up, so you do the same - if you're into dressing up.

October 2, 2004 -
Ye Olde Woodshed, Weekend 3 in Douglas

Friday night of our third weekend at the Woodshed was an awesome night. Plenty of new faces. Lots of dancers, Lots of hootin' and hollerin'. Just the way Tricks likes it.
Oh . . . My . . . Gawd! Saturday was one of our funnest and wildest nights of the year. Thanks to those wild and crazy dancers. Thanks to all the fans and friends for being there. YOU make the party happen.
Tricks will be back at the Woodshed in December.
Love you guys!

News from TRICKS - September 2004
September 25, 2004 -
Ye Olde Woodshed, Weekend 2 in Douglas

The second of three weekend gigs at the Woodshed in Douglas turned into a wild and wooly Saturday night happening. Tricks played great, but more importantly, the dancers were hot all night long. Tricks played to a smaller group on Friday night, but we made friends with some new friends/fans who we hope to see again soon. Nice to meet you, we're glad you had fun. We certainly had fun playing and singing and all that stuff.

September 18, 2004 -
Ye Olde Woodshed in Douglas

Tricks played the first of three weekend gigs at the Woodshed in Douglas. The Woodshed crowd is always very friendly and ready to get up and dance. Friday night was plenty fun, but Saturday was outstanding. Rick and Krys agreed that Saturday night the band and the crowd were in top form.
September 11, 2004 -
Private Tricks Lite Wedding Party

Tricks Lite (Plugged In this time - with Steve on e-drums and Tim on bass) played at Matt and Heather Maloley's backyard for a bonfire / pigroast / wedding / house warming / baby celebration / fun rock n roll back-yard blast in Grand Haven. Like our last week's backyard Tricks-Lite wedding party, the uninvited police made two appearances to make sure no one was having "too much fun". Thanks to all the Tricks family & friends who showed up to Heather & Matt's open house Tricks party.

September 4, 2004 -
Private Tricks Lite - Wedding Party

Tricks Lite (Unplugged - acoustic fun with Rick, Krys , and Richie) played at a festive and lively Wedding Party in the back yard of the bride and groom, Sherri and Bob Wallis. 4 Cruisers from the Holland City police department appeared on the happy scene to stop anyone from getting too loud at 10:30 on a beautiful Saturday night.
September 3, 2004 -
Wayland Hotel - Single Friday on Labor Day Weekend

The Wayland crowd really came through for the Tricks "one-night-only" Labor Day Weekend big-blow-out final night. It was a fun way to start the long weekend. Special treat with Rich and Bill getting onstage for a third-set Foghat jam. Patchwork flashback! (Patchwork was our band back in 19...? 7...? hmmm... ? See )
Now we get ready for two Tricks Lite outdoor wedding parties, coming up the next 2 Saturdays. Then a weekend off. Then on to the Douglas Woodshed.

To Early 2004
To Early 2005 website was started in March 2004.
Rick is webmaster, with graphics help from Krystal.
If you'd like to be informed of updates to the site, as well as any upcoming party information.
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Remember, Tricks loves you!
" There's Good Rockin' Tonight "
