TricksBlog - July 2014
July 18 & 19 - M-89 Sportsbar, Otsego

Not packed on Friday, but line-dancers . . . Full house on Saturday . . . Otsego knows how to party
Tricks still feels like the new band at M89. We only debuted there in August of last year, 2013. This is only our 4th weekend here in downtown Otsego. But Tricks is really feeling at home here. The owners, Tim & Linda, are very down-to-earth and don't play any head games. Tim says, "I wish I could have only the best-sounding bands here, but I have to have the most popular bands". It's show-biz. M89 is known for having very excellent rock bands and country bands. So, Tricks has to stay on our toes and keep bringing in our Tricks crowd. Part of the attraction here at M89 is a very good-sounding room. We probably only have one other bar that is better sounding than the M89 room. That's something that the band and the crowds enjoy immensely. People say, "this is the best I've ever heard Tricks sound, and I've only had one drink". Ha! Well, I had no drinks and it sounds great to me (Rick).
Friday was a good little crowd, and plenty of dancers to keep the band happy. But Saturday was a mob scene. There was an Allegan High School reunion a couple miles away at the Lynx. They all had dinner at the Lynx and then headed out to M89 for some Tricks action. Lots of the same people who were at our Memorial Day weekend Jam Bash were here on Saturday. Thanks to Pete Borst again. We also have to thank our new Otsego friends and fans who like dancing to our head-banging Tricks tunes. Thanks to the M89 staff for keeping up with the demanding crowds. Thanks to our Tricks friends who drove down to Otsego to support Tricks. We love you guys. Thanks to Linda and Tim for having us.
After this weekend, we have 5 weekends off for summer break. Time to act "normal" and spend time with the family during the summer months. See ya in September.
Otsego Pics - Fri
July 4 & 5 - AJ's Grill & Cocktailz, Dorr

4th of July in Dorr . . . . . . time for family, friends, neighbors . . . . . . time for cutting loose!
Tricks returned to their home base in Dorr for the big 4th of July weekend. All kinds of activities for all ages, all day long on Friday and Saturday. Tricks had small but high-quality crowds at AJ's both Friday and Saturday. We had neighbors, friends, and family gather with us for our national holiday. Rick & Krys neighbors from Lake Allegan on both nights. Friends from Hudsonville, Fennville, Wayland. And family from Atlanta down south, and Houghton up north. Everyone was pretty worn out from all the sun and fun we've been having during these great Michigan summer days, so not a whole lot of energy. The band had to supply the energy with our antics onstage - leaving us tired but happy on hang-over Sunday.
On Friday at 10, we all went out back of AJ's and watched the great Dorr fireworks (privately funded, not paid with tax dollars like other towns). We couldn't miss that show. Same with Saturday's Lantern Launch at 10:30, we had several people who brought their own chinese lanterns to launch from AJ's new back deck. Very cool Dorr Independence Day traditions and rituals.
Thanks so much to everyone who came over to our hometown bar in Dorr to spend this special weekend with Tricks. We even met a few new fans who we hope to see again when Tricks returns to AJ's in September. Woo hoo! We appreciate your support of local live music; we can't do this Tricks thing without you. We love ya, man! Thanks to Amanda and the great staff at AJ's for their help keeping the crowd happy. We know it's hard work and you deserve lots of credit for making AJ's the great party place that it is.
Stop in at AJ's during the week for dinner; give them your support - and the food is great. Did you know AJ's has a Bloody Mary bar every Sundays?
TricksBlog - June 2014
June 21 - Jane & David Post, Birthday / Grad Party, Wayland

... Guests of Honor, David & Jane ... Tricks joined by a mystery member ... Barn Dancing is always a fun time
Nothing like a good old-fashioned kegger barn party with a live rock band for your birthday. Especially if you can link it to a graduation open-house for your son. It was a long party day for the Post family. They had David's open house in the afternoon, with lots of food and beverages in the garage. Then at 6pm the party shifted to the barn with lots of beer and dancing with Tricks. When Tricks was finished at 10:30 there was about twenty minutes of non-stop fireworks in the back field. Impressive party! Also, lots of work to pull it all together. But nothing worthwhile is ever easy. This was the party-of-the-year for lots of our Tricks fans and friends from way back. Jane (better known as "Free-For-All Jane") has been a loyal Tricks fan for decades. Because Pete & Jane live just west of Wayland, they show up nearly every time that Tricks plays at AJ's in Dorr, Hilliards Corners, or Wayland Hotel. And Jane likes to demand some Ted Nugent, especially "Free For All". And Tricks is happy to oblige. I gotta let Jane have a few words here.
Jane says: For years I have said, “When I turn 50, I want Tricks to play at my birthday party.” Well, it really happened. What an awesome party. Thank you so much to Tricks for rockin’ our polebarn to help me celebrate not only my 50th birthday, but the graduation of our youngest, David.
Thank you to Pete, who spent many hours cleaning out the polebarn to prepare it for the big day. It took many hours to go thru 15 years of accumulation. And also, thanks to our family who helped make the food and especially my nephews Mike and Matt who not only helped set up and clean up, but worked crowd control; and ALL those who helped prepare for the big day.Thanks to EVERYONE who came out to help us commemorate these milestones. It is definitely going down as a party to remember!!
Barn Party
June 6 & 7 - Wayland Hotel

Friday's inner-circle dancers . . . . More "inner circle" on Saturday . . . Tricks makes it fun for all
I'm not gonna lie to you, this weekend was mighty slow at the Hotel, thanks to the B93 Bash, Grad Parties, GR Festival, and nice backyard campfire party weather. Friday was had about 15 people partying with us, mostly our close friends, family, and fans. We had a great little party with everyone who showed up. More of the same on Saturday, until a bit more respectable crowd numbers. Around 35 or 40 party people were hanging and banging with Tricks on Saturday. And we were happy to have at least a few dancers for every song, both nights. The band was sounding nice and tight in that "good-sounding drum room", as Steve says. We were happy to see Debbie "BassMistress" on both nights, and she even brought her bubble-shooting gun on Friday. When Debbie is there, we naturally dedicate everything to Dave's memory, as we feel his energizing presence. Very cool, even though twinged with a touch of sadness. Also, we were delighted to see our dancing friends Lance & Beverly on Friday night; they know how to cut a rug. I wish I could dance ilke that. Thanks to everyone for coming out and keeping us company. We had a great time rocking with you.
TricksBlog - May 2014
May 24 - Allegan "Celebration of Life", Tricks & Friends Patio Jam, Benefit for Hospice

Friends and Neighbors gathered to celebrate life . . . with food, drink, friendship, and live music . . .
All that fun, and we managed to raise $1,000 for Wings of Hope Hospice.
The Origin
It all began earlier this year, at Bubba's bar on March 9. Krys and Rick attended a Sunday evening concert by Greg Nagy band at the Allegan Presbyterian Church. It was a benefit for the Allegan Area Arts Council (Rick & Krys are active members). After the show, it was time to grab a late dinner at Bubba's, just across the street from the church. There at Bubba's we ran into Pete Borst and Doug Babbitt. We hung out at Bubba's, talking about the good ol' days when Allegan used to have some great live music outdoor events.
The Framework
When we got talking about the "Country In The Country" concert parties in the 70s, the four of us decided that we should get one of these concert party events going again. Pete said we could make it a neighborhood party in his back yard. We first thought it might just be a Krystal and Rick acoustic show, with a few dozen friends and neighbors. But these things have a way of taking on a life of their own.
Name and Mission
Rick suggested making it a benefit, and we all immediately thought of Hospice. Allegan Wings of Hope Hospice was the only charity that we even discussed. The Tricks band family had our friend Dave "Bassbeast" in Hospice care at that time, and Doug's mom was also in Hospice care. (Both have since passed away; Dave on April 26 and Doug's mom on May 12.) When we consulted with Pete's neighbor Tom Lademan, Tom suggested calling the event "Celebration of Life" in honor of Hospice, and because his wife Cindy had a serious health incident late last year. We all have loved ones who have been cared for by the angels at Hospice, so that was settled; Allegan "Celebration of Life" for Wings of Hope Hospice.
The Gathering
I won't go through all the details and phone calls, promises, maybes, probablies, and e-mails involved in getting the bands and musicians together for this. Suffice it to say, it's not easy to get people together on Memorial Day weekend, when people have lots of plans with their families. Up until about 4 days before the party, we knew that Tricks would be there in the evening, but we had no idea what other musicians or bands would show up to play earlier in the afternoon. The big turning point in planning the live music show was when Rick had a phone conversation with Greg Howard, just four days before the big event. Greg was enthused about the whole thing, and he promised his acoustic band "Strum, Dumb, and Dumber" as well as a "no name" electric rock band featuring long-time Allegan rocker Mike Hatfield. From that point on, it was a game of making the pieces fit, and urging the "maybe" musicians to firm up their commitment to play the party. As the big day approached, the pieces fell into place with lots of coaxing from Pete, Rick, and Greg.
What a fantastic musical party we created, thanks to all the musicians and attendees. Special thanks to the food providers and food donators: Pete Borst for kegs of beer, Pete's neighbors for potluck, Village Market donated Ice Cream, Krys & Rick donated burgers, Dick's Market donated award-winning brats, Boarshead donated smoked turkey breast,
Sound and Stage
Extreme thanks to Tricks, especially soundman Dave Lopez, for the use of their sound system, drums, and bass amp. More awesome thanks to Greg Howard who came to the rescue with extra mics and stands, as well as some excellent guitar amplifiers that were borrowed by several musicians.
Thanks to Dan for manning the grill most of the day. Thanks to Doug, Kevin, Ray, and Tom for help with set up and clean-up. Thanks to Krystal and Fred for taking photos. Thanks to Pete for allowing us to use his property, and opening himself to trouble from cops and liability for unpredictable party activities. Thanks to Allegan City Police for gently shutting us down at 10:15, with very little hassle. We had promised police in advance that we would observe the noise ordinance. But, Tricks let the enthusiasm take us past the 10pm noise ordinance curfew.

Dan was the Grillmaster . . . First live music, from Grand Haven, Catfish & The Man - Steve Weideman on acoustic guitar, John Stoneburner on Blues Harp. When they change to a trio with RB on double neck slide Cigar Box guitar, then the name of band is "Sweet Blue".

Next was "Strum, Dumb, and Dumber" from Allegan. Allegan guitarists Greg Howard & Mike Villar, with Greg Schmidt on bass. Greg Goodsal sat in on drums. All of these Allegan musicians are core members of Allegan's popular Cabaret Band. They were later joined by Krystal on backup vocals.

(Dave our all-day sound man.) Then we had two musicians who were with the great band "Straight Light" back in the 70s and 80s, Bill Roelofs on drums and Brent McDonald on guitar. Bill has been in several bands with Rick Doogie, since they were both teenagers. Brent is the owner of "McDonald Productions" recording studio in Otsego. Rick sat in on bass for their short set.

Next was Allegan's musical legends, Jack Dailey, Mitch Wooster, & Don Brown, and their new band "Kickstart", with Greg Schmidt sitting in on bass. Jack is famous for being in the hot country-picking band "4-Wheel Drive". Mitch has been playing his solo "Rooster" show around these parts since the 70s. Rooster plays every Thursday evening at Deano's 50s Diner for their weekly car show.

Then we very happy to hear the masterful vocal talents of one of Pete's neighbors, Jordan Norman.
Jordan is famous for being Allegan Idol Youth Division Champion. She has recorded at McDonald Productions, for a CD that she sells at her Facebook page
. You can hear some of her home-recorded songs at her SoundCloud page here

Next was Greg Howard & Mike Hatfield's "no name" band, with Greg Schmidt on bass and Greg Goodsal sitting in on drums. That's too many Gregs in one band. Mike Hatfield is famous for being in the band "Fire Department" back in the 70s and 80s. For an excellent version of "Free Bird", Rick joined in on acoustic guitar.

Next up was "Band X"
with Krystal & Rick, Skip Herrema on drums, and Tim Clifford on Bass. Band X is our side-project band that will take gigs when brother / drummer Steve is not available. We play a couple party gigs each year, as needed. Ozzy is our regular bassist, but he was kind enough to let Tim Clifford play a few with Band X. Tim was the Tricks bassist from 2004 thru 2008. Tim was with "Wedsel's Edsels", back in the 80s and 90s, and he played on the road for 17 years. He also has a long history with popular Michigan new-country band, "Dew South". Skip Herrema's new regular band is "Raker". I think it's safe to call Raker "Classic Metal". Their Facebook page is here

The Tricks show started with Ozzy's son John playing flute on the 3-Doors Down song, "Kryptonite". And then Tricks launched into their good-times dancing tunes. And all the dancers had fun until we wrapped it up at 10:15 when the police came and reminded us that we promised to be finished by 10 o'clock noise curfew. "Thank you, good night".

The pack-up crew on Sunday afternoon - Greg, Pete, Kevin, ... and Rick behind the camera.
Here are ALL the pictures from the party, in two albums.
K&R is the first half of the day, and then Fred got the second half of the day. Very good pics.
| FredCam 
May 16 & 17 - AJ's in Dorr

Friday and Saturday dance mania . . . . We love our friend Debbie . . . . . party groups on Saturday
Tricks (need I say it?), back in the heart of Tricks country. Tricks has played many parties in the fields, halls, and backyards of the Dorr area. We see all of our good ol' friends here in downtown Dorr. Lots of great memories in this old town. But we also have new friends showing up, like Lance & Beverly, who love swing dancing to the rock and roll tunes. Tricks is here primarily to make the dancers happy. Tricks Rule #1 for selecting songs is "1. People must want to Dance to the song" (see our Song List page
for the rest of the story).
Good crowds both Friday & Saturday! The weather is fine, ... finally!
Carol & Nate brought their birthday parties to AJ's and there was plenty of eating, drinking, laughing, and dancing. Like always, thanks so much to our friends who travelled a distance to hang and bang with Tricks. Thanks to the b-day kids. Thanks to new Tricks friends. Thanks to Amanda and Ernie for all the work you do to make AJ's the great venue that it is, for food, drinks, parties, and live music.
| Sat 
May 9 & 10 - Woody's at Spectrum Lanes on Clyde Park, Wyoming

A Fun place with lots going on . . . a whole lot of dancing action . . . a whole lot of party action
Tricks returns for our third appearance at Woody's Press Box. Bowling leagues are over, so the place wasn't as packed as last time. But this is a large venue, so even half-full is lots of people. We had great fun on the tiny stage; kinda makes it an intimate performance when we're bumping into each other and knocking each other's guitars out of tune. The band had lots of laughs due to the cozy stage set-up. Friday we had a birthday party all night long, and Saturday we had a bachelorette "babe-o-rama" party come in for our last set. Nice!
We always seem to make new friends at Woody's, handing out lots of business cards so new fans can remember to check out website. Welcome to those new friends; you know who you are! See you again when we return to Woody's in September. Thanks to our regular fans who came out to support us and dance with us. Tricks is starting to add some of our old favorite party songs to the mix, now that we have our new songs nice and tight. We can get back to our "no repeat" set lists - completely different sets on Friday and Saturday.
Thanks to Todd and the management at Woody's for hiring us for several weekends during 2014. Thanks to the wait-staff for keeping food and drinks on the tables, and for keeping the party going. We really appreciate the friendly staff and great party ambience at Woody's.
| Sat 
TricksBlog - April 2014
Apr 26 - Dave "Bassbeast" Trierweiler passed away Saturday, April 26, 2014.

Dave's Band Bio
| Bassbeast Tricks Pics
| BassbeastBash 
Videos of BassBeast with Tricks
| Videos of BassBeast with Meanstreak 
Dave was a Tricks member from 2008 thru 2010, and is in our hearts forever.