(Life Before Tricks)
In 1967 Rick was attending his first of four years at St. Joseph's Seminary, the Grand Rapids Diocese "future priest school" at 600 Burton St SE. At St. Joe's Seminary, Rick spent many hours playing guitar, playing basketball & handball, going to chapel, and doing homework. Rick was a serious Catholic, a serious Dean's List student with B+ average, a serious beginning guitar player, a serious future-priest studying the bible, catechism, and theology. Favorite music was the typical "around the campfire" type of folk songs of the 60s; Peter, Paul, & Mary, Simon & Garfunkel, Association, Bob Dylan, Mamas & Papas, Neil Diamond, . The Beatles had just released Interesting music on the horizon was The Who, Rolling Stones, Buffalo Springfield, Tommy James, Monkees, Jimi Hendrix, Cream, Eric Burdon & the Animals, Rick got a $10 electric guitar near the beginning of 1967. The Beatles released Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band in the summer of 1967 while Rick was home on summer break from seminary. That same summer, Rick was approached by Cal Schaeffer and Joe Schumaker, the guitarists of the Dorr band "The Sunn". I remember going out behind the store and playing a few songs for them. They were impressed that I could sorta play lead and rhythm at the same time during the song Little Black Egg" by The Nightcrawlers. I was hired as bass player to the Sunn. At first I de-tuned and played bass my cheap Geko 6-string. We rehearsed in various places, but most notably in Tony Rakowski's Antique Shop; the big red brick school house on the North side of Dorr. The same schoolhouse where Rick attended Kindergarten. On to 1968 Return to Timeline |