Tricks History 1981
Early 1981 - Searching for a bass player
(The Dukie/Dale Band & John Cokes)
We know that Tricks
Mk.II is going to be Rick and Dale on guitars, Steve
on drums, and an as-yet unknown bass player. Dale,
Steve, and Rick spend many uncomfortable evenings
auditioning bass players in the attic of the Hopkins
house. We jam with some bass players who are too
country oriented, we jam with some bass players who
are too heavy-metal oriented, we jam with some bass
players who are way too full of themselves.
There is one very promising bassist named Dale who
we rehearse with several times. We joke that we
could name ourselves "The Dukie / Dale Band" because
we have 2 Dales and 2 Dukies.
We also spend several hopeful sessions with John
Cokes, a former bassist with Dale's "Opus" band.
John is an amazing bassist, with an expensive
Alembic bass guitar and a fancy Ampeg SVT bass
amplifier. Although John is more of a funky jazzy
bass player than we would prefer, we are sure that
we finally have our bass man. John can play anything
and everything we suggest to him. We're off and
running, learning handfuls of songs at every
rehearsal. Songs of interest include "The Song
Remains The Same" by Led Zeppelin.
But Tricks II runs into a wall - one Friday night
Rick, Steve, and Dale are huddled around the tape
deck to listen to the parts of "Smokin' Whiskey,
Drinkin' Cocaine" by Pat Travers, ... John interupts
rehearsal work by packing his Alembic and leaving,
saying something like, "I'm just not into this
Smokin' Whiskey and some of these other songs that
you're excited about doing".
Bang bang! Tricks II is dead in the water again.
May 26, 1981 - Tricks rehearsal with Tom
Dale has convinced
former Opus bassist Tom Hudson to join the Tricks
band. Now the band is 2 former Tricks members with
mostly British rock tastes and 2 former Opus members
with mostly American southern rock tastes. Of course
we all love blending the styles together, but the
song selections lean toward the southern rock style.
There's lots of work with double lead guitars doing
trade-off leads and harmony leads. It is also a
bonus that Tom, Rick, Dale and Steve all can sing
lead and harmony. Lots of work on covering songs by
ZZ Top, Lynyrd Skynyrd, 38 Special, Rolling Stones,
Wishbone Ash, Todd Rundgren, The Police, . . . a
little bit of everything but steering clear of too
many over-simplistic typical bar-band songs. Tricks
doesn't want to bore themselves or their fans with
the normal fare that is repeatedly heard on every
weekend at every rock and roll bar in America.

Tricks v2.0,
Outstanding in their field!
Tom Hudson, Steve Dutkiewicz, Dale Boysen, Rick
House: From "Panic In The Attic" to "Tricks &
The Cows"
Tom, Rick, Dale, and Steve have a few running jokes
about these rehearsals in the attic.
The "Panic in the Attic" joke stems from the title
of an obscure BeBop Deluxe song, "Panic In My
World", that we learn but discard from the Scott
Markle days. Talking about rehearsals always brings
up the "Panic in the Attic" joke.
"Tricks and the Cows" comes later when Tricks is in
the downstairs living room. Strangely, we notice
that the dozens of cows in the pasture across the
street always gravitate towards the nearest fence
whenever Tricks is making rehearsal noise, as if the
cows are vying for the closest spot at a concert. At
the end of rehearsal, when everyone is carrying
guitar cases out to their cars, the cows are always
pressed against the fence in one big huddle. Funny
as hell! Tricks is performing every rehearsal for an
audience of Cows!
July 3, 1981 - Tricks Mk.II - 1st Gig for Rick,
Steve, Tom, & Dale-
Tricks opens for "Asult" at Dorr Park
during the Independence Day Celebration.

It's a
nice warm July Friday evening, the first
day of the 3-Day Dorr Independence
Day Festival. Steve's band "ASULT"
is hired to play for a crowd of people sitting on
the tennis courts in the new north section of Dorr
Park. The band is set up on one of Keith Hyde's
flat-bed semi-truck trailers. The opening act for
Asult is the newly reborn Tricks band - first ever
gig with bassist Tom Hudson. The Tricks setlist is
only 7 songs - "Gimme 3 Steps", "What's Your
Name", "Couldn't I Just Tell You", "Hold On
Loosely", "Backstreet Love". "Midnight Rambler",
and "She Caught The Katy". 6-year-old Jeremy
Dutkiewicz sits in front holding his dad Rick's
cheap little tape recorder and records the entire
7-song performance. Tricks sounds nice and tight
from all that hard rehearsal work.
The Asult band plays almost 2 hours and sounds
extra good. Very good crowd - Jeremy, Danny,
Paula, Ron and Cathy's family, Dick and Rusty,
Krys and Nancy, Tom's Hudson's family, Steve Raab
and Carrie, Rob W, Rick P, ... a whole bunch of
Tricks friends and family along with a bunch of
little kids and older folks as well.

Steve's comments on first gig with Dale and
"I remember when we first had the idea of
the guys from Opus joining up with us; I
was living in Dorr after Tammy and I were
just married. I would bring my drums to Rick's
place in Hopkins to rehearse with Dale & Tom
in-between gigs with Asult. That was when we
planned the Dorr 4th performance with both bands
- TRICKS as warm-up for Asult. It wasn't until
after that I gave Asult the word I was leaving,
which they figured out at the same time I think.
That was a wild night with Tricks and then Asult
set up on a flat-bed truck on the new tennis
courts - Like everyone was caged in with us -
very cool memory.
First Video - After the Tricks II gig at
the Dorr park, Tricks moves rehearsals into the
living room of Rick's house in Hopkins, instead of
the attic. On one evening, Dale's friend Bill
Hannipel brings over his new VHS videotape camera
and tapes video of the Tricks rehearsal in the
living. Here is the actual footage from 3 songs:
(If you want full-screen, go to Rick's YouTube
Tricks & The Cows -
Backstreet Love (by Trapeze) 
Tricks & The Cows -
Flash Tan Queen (by REO Speedwagon) 
Tricks & The Cows -
Say Goodbye (by Wishbone Ash)
July 4, 1981 - Big Asult Band outdoor
It's a huge outdoor
summer party on Snow Ave. Dave and Rick help with
sound equipment and sound board. Steve plays a great
drum solo and the crowd goes wild.
Oct 11, 1981 - Tricks at Krys and Rick's Wedding in
Hopkins / 2nd gig for Tricks Mk.II
Krys and Rick are married in an outdoor ceremony in
Krystal's parents' front yard. The 2-band wedding
reception is in the old hall in downtown Hopkins.
Rick's "Nightwind" wedding band plays for a couple
hours and then Tricks plays for about an hour.
Tricks plays pretty much the same set of songs that
they did at the first gig. Notable additions to the
setlist are Rush "Limelite" and Trapeze "Backstreet
Oct 11, 1981 -
Tricks 2nd gig with Tom & Dale, at Krys &
Rick's Wedding in Hopkins
Krys and Rick are married in an
outdoor ceremony in Krystal's parents front
yard. The 2-band wedding reception is at the old
hall in downtown Hopkins. Rick's "Nightwind"
band plays for a couple hours and then Tricks
plays for about an hour. Tricks does nearly the
same setlist as they did at the Dorr concert in
the park. Notable new additions are Rush
"Limelight" and Trapeze "Backstreet Love". After
the wedding gig, Tricks II moves rehearsals out
of the Hopkins house and into Dale's basement at
his house near Gobles.
Oct 31, 1981 - Tricks at Halloween
Party at Jolly J's in Wayland
Tricks Mk. II's
first bar gig, with pay. It's a packed-house
Halloween party at Jolly J's in Wayland.
We have Dave Lopez helping on sound board and
Steve Raab running light show.
December, 1981 -
Bye bye Nightwind. Tricks auditions for gigs
Rick does his
last few gigs with Nightwind; lots of high-paying
company Christmas parties.
Tricks does showcase (audition) gigs at both the
Royal Knight in Hilliards and the Left Bank in
In the immortal words of John Lennon, "I hope the
band passes the audition".
December 31, 1981 -
Tricks at New
Year's Eve Party at the Jolly Bar in Wayland
Happy New Year!
And finally,...
Happy New Tricks. Tricks settles in for the long
This is to be the longest-lived incarnation of the
Tricks band.
Dale Boysen
- guitar / vocals
Rick Dutkiewicz - guitar / vocals
Steve Dutkiewicz - drums/vocals
Tom Hudson - bass/vocals
Technical Support from
Dave Lopez -
Steve Raab - lights
This version of
the Tricks band will go on rocking for more than
10 great years
(Not counting 1987 when Rick is with Science
Project - Um,... we'll talk later).
Here is Tricks
posing in the front yard of their Hopkins practice
B&W Photography by Krystal.

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