Tricks History 2000
2000 - Back to Tricks Power Trio + 1
Tricks 2000 was Rick, Steve, Rich, Krys (with Dave Lopez on sound, as always)
Because of a much too busy life, with many family (recently acquired first grandchild), work (Krys is doing graphic design at home & at Perrigo), and other commitments (Rick is chair of Libertarians of Allegan and is running for State Representative with the Libertarian Party), Rick and Krys want to take an extended break from the Tricks band. Tricks takes no bookings at the beginning of 2000; normally we have our calendar filled before January. Because of all this uncertainty, Rick tells Greg that we need to shelve the 2 guitar band idea, so that's the end of Greg's tenure in Tricks. These decisions are never easy because we can't see the future, and there are mixed feelings and ambivalence. If we had it to do over again . . .
Jan thru April - Rehearsals in Richie's basement in Wayland
April 14 & 15- 54th Street Lounge, - Krys sprained her ankle severely while we were setting up - it was a "set up and play" on Friday night gig. Not so fun. There were a couple fresh bullet holes in the front windows, facing Division Ave.
Richie got us this gig because he knew the manager. Wiser Agency claimed a percentage of our pay, even though we got the gig ourselves. Wiser, a booking agency Tricks had worked for in the past, had nothing to do with the gig except that they had some kind of "exclusive" contract for providing the bands at 54th Street Lounge.
Rick called Kurt Wiser and had an intense "discussion" about the morality of taking a cut of our pay when he had absolutely nothing to do with getting us the gig. Of course, Kurt insisted that we weren't getting less pay because of the "legal" agreement. But Rick was arguing the ethical principle of the arrangement. There was no concern about who was getting what money. Rick was debating ethics and trust, while Kurt was debating legality and money. Legality does not equal morality, so the debate went nowhere.
Thus ended Tricks' relationship with Wiser agency until 2011 when Wiser kindly offered to book Tricks at the Gun Lake Casino.
Apr 28 & 29 - Stan's in Dorr - big Trendway night at Stan's, with lots of Rick's co-workers.
May 5 & 6 - Stan's in Dorr -
May 12 & 13 - Stan's in Dorr -
June 3 - Cap'n Craig's barn party - Surprise Party for Jane's 40th in Hudsonville
June 16 & 17 - Daisy Mae's, Gun Lake
June 23 & 24 - Daisy Mae's, Gun Lake
July 1 - Rick & Krys, Wedding Singers, at Mt. Pleasant
July 7 - Rick, Krys, and Richie play acoustic rock on a deck overlooking the Allegan Riverfront.
We called ourselves "Tri-X" - Blue Heron coffee shop Grand Opening
There were all ages of people walking along the riverfront boardwalk, and it was perfect weather.
I remember doing a wild acoustic version of Steppenwolf's Magic Carpet Ride for an encore.
I also remember getting stung in the hand by a wasp while setting up.
July 12 - TRICKS at Ugly Muther's Harley Rodeo
July 29 - Tri-X at Ann Wiley Surprise Party - Rick, Krys, and Richie
July 30. Sunday - Dan and Jackie Reception, @ Bluhm's backyard
Aug 9. Wed - Spock's Beard and Dream Theater in Flint
Aug 19 - Tri-X Band - Rick, Krys, and Richie - @ Sue and Jim's Party on the Lake
Aug 26, Sat - R & K Jam Party on the Patio
Sep 8 & 9 - Stan's in Dorr
Sep 15 & 16 - Stan's in Dorr
Sep 22 & 23 - Stan's in Dorr

Oct 5, Thur - American Noise (Jeremy D on Drums) at Harvey's next to State Theater
Oct 7, Sat - American Legion Tricks Party
Oct 13 & 14 - Daisy Mae's, Gun Lake
Oct 20 & 21 - Daisy Mae's, Gun Lake w/Common Bond
Oct 27 & 28 - Daisy Mae's, Gun Lake
Nov 25, Sat - Dave and Sue Hiscock Anniversary at Allegan Elks
First ever Tricks-Lite gig with Steve on Electronic-Drums, and we used our monitors for speakers.
The idea of Tricks Lite was that we could offer a low price if we used minimal lights and speakers.
Dec 1 & 2 - Stan's in Dorr
Dec 8 & 9 - Stan's in Dorr
Dec 31, Sun - New Year's party at the Petter mansion in Saugatuck, for Doug & Heather Petter
Tri-X Band - Rick, Krys, and Richie - first time with drum machine, first use of Digitech pedal to run guitar direct to the mixer board.
We only intended to use the drum machine on a few songs,
but everyone danced during the drum machine songs,
and wandered around the huge house when we didn't use the drum machine.
So, after the first set, we used the Drum machine on nearly every song.
We weren't really prepared for that contingency, but here's the Set List from the Petter Party
Romeo & Juliet
Expresso Love
Thing Called Love 88-124
A Change 87-128
Lack of Water
Phone Call 88-132
Honky 61-120
Love Will Keep |
Run Around
Mr. Jones
Semi Charmed
It’s Your Love
Feel Lucky 88-120
I’m Outta Here 61-122
Wild Horses
Change in Pocket
Hot Blooded 88-122
Alright 61-120 |
Rock Me Right
Authority 88-150
Wild Night 61-132
You Say Nothin
I’m Just A Girl
Brown Sugar
Hit Me
Impress Me 88-130
Real World 61-122
Fire & Rain |
Closer To Fine
Everything I Do
Magic Carpet
Emotion 88-102
Play Guitar 61-110
Little Queenie 88-120
Smoke 61-110
Tie Your Mother 88-132
Won’t Get Fooled 61-122
The numbers are Rick's settings for the drum machine.
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